About Us
AACWI’s Leadership & Board of Directors

Dr. BraVada Garrett-Akinsanya is a licensed clinical psychologist and licensed clinical social worker who is co-founder and serves as the Executive Director of the African American Child Wellness Institute, as well, serves as the President of Brakins Consulting and Psychological Services. Her past community service includes organizations such as the Greater Minnesota Day Care Alliance, President of the Minnesota Psychological Association, President of the Association of Black Psychologist, and President of the Society for the Psychology of Women of the American Psychological Association. Dr Garrett-Akinsanya serves on the State Advisory Council’s Sub-Committee on Children’s Mental Health and Chairs the Outreach to Diverse Communities work group whose charge is to recommend to the Governor strategies for reducing disparities and increasing equitable access to quality mental health.

Akinyele Akinsanya is an astute business leader with extensive knowledge and experience in City & Regional planning. His specific backgrounds include Transit and Transportation planning, housing development, energy development as well as business process re-engineering in the transit and healthcare industries. He co-founded AACWI with Dr. Garrett-Akinsanya and together they have brought the organization where it is today. He is an active member in various community organizations including the Minnesota Institute of Nigeria Development (MIND) and Egbe Omo Oduduwa Minnesota.

Dr. Pearl Barner, II is co-founder and Past-President of the Minnesota Chapter of the Association of Black Psychologists, and former Treasurer of the Minnesota Psychological Association. In 2013 he retired from the University of Minnesota where he had served as a Psychologist and Director of Boynton Health Service-Mental Health Clinic, Assistant Vice Provost of the Office of Multicultural Affairs, Clinical Assistant Professor of Psychology, and Adjunct Graduate Faculty in the Counseling and Student Personnel Psychology Program.

Keyana Cannedy is the owner of her Home Health Care Agency and describes herself as a strong Black woman who has “been through the storm but always remembers to dance.” As a single-parent of “a 15 year old young Black king,” she has worked hard to instill greatness in his self-image in the hope that like her, he will be fearless and confident in his abilities to operate from his greatness at all times. She believes that all families should seek therapy when they need help and answers in raising their children. She contends that by accessing therapy at a young age, parents can teach their children to develop healthy perspectives about using therapy to address challenges that they may face in the future.

Rev. Dr. Alika Galloway is the co-pastor at Liberty Community Church (formally Kawanzaa Church) in Minneapolis. Dr. Galloway received her Doctorate degree from Virginia Union Seminary and has served as an adjunct faculty member at United Theology Seminary in New Brighton, Minnesota. Dr. Galloway is a recipient of numerous awards and honors including a Bush Fellowship, and Benjamin E. Mays Fellowship from the Fund for Theological Education. She is a creative visionary and co-founder of the North-side Healing Space and founder of the 21st Century Academy all located in Minnesota. She is nationally known as a Womanist Scholar and expert in health disparities impacting African American females.

Mary Ann Kowalski is the owner of Kowalski’s Markets. Mary Anne uses her business leadership role to help build a strong civic infrastructure within Kowalski’s that impacts the world around her. Her accomplishments in the grocery business have come from building right relationships with her customers, co-workers, vendor partners and stakeholders. She is the chair of the Kowalski’s 4 Kids Foundation, an organization which raises money for children at risk.

Kris Kowalski Christiansen is the CEO of Kowalski Markets. Having grown up in the family’s grocery business and garnering more than two decades of training and education, Kris earned the position of Chief Operating Officer and has since moved into the role of Chief Executive Officer. Kris is responsible for Kowalski Markets’ strategic direction as well as overseeing the company’s daily operations, and needs.

Al McFarlane is the founder and owner of McFarlane Media Interests (MMI) as well as the Editor-In-Chief of Insight News, MMI’s flagship media property. Insight News is Minnesota’s largest ethnic newspaper with weekly, audited circulation of 35,000. McFarlane has served as Board Chair for the Minneapolis Urban League and as Board Chair for National Newspaper Publisher Association Foundation (NNPAF).

Beryl Wingate, Psy. D., LP a licensed psychologist, and Global Consultant with Medtronic Employee Assistance Program where she coordinates and provides EAP services to Medtronic’s national and international locations. Dr. Wingate’s career focus has been in the areas of Corporate Leadership, Human Resources, and employee mental health. She has over 35 years of experience working at organizations such as Control Data Corp, Medtronic, Norwest Corporation, Amherst H. Wilder Foundation, the African American Family Services, the Hazelton Betty Ford Addiction Treatment Center, Macalester College, and Wells Fargo, where she served as the Assistant Vice-President and Consultant for the Employee Assistance Consulting Department. Dr. Wingate is the owner and founder of B4C Associates, LLC.

Director of Special Project
Dr. Dare Akinyemi is an accomplished Project Manager/Mechanical Engineer with over 30 years of tested experience and outstanding achievement in the areas of engineering, management and leadership in corporate america. His areas of expertise include machine process and product development, failure analysis, facilities engineering as well as energy with emphasis on renewable energy, project and program management, general management, operational management, and leadership. Dr. Dare Akinyemi has advanced degrees in mechanical engineering including a Ph.D. with emphasis on project management. He is currently a Director of Special Project at AACWI, working on numerous projects.

Deleta Hayden, BS, AA, AS/HRA is the Executive Administrator for the African American Child Wellness institute. She holds a bachelor’s degree in business administration, associate Science Degree in Computer Operations and in Human Resource Administration from Cardinal Stritch University. Ms. Hayden is essential to the daily operations of AACWI as she fields all call and correspondence to the clinic, coordinates initial screenings and schedules intakes for new clients and provides assistant duties to the Clinic Director and staff. Deleta is also a Certified Microsoft Professional.
In her spare time, Deleta enjoys traveling, bowling and playing board games with her family.

Shirlynn’s current health related affiliations include:
Attorney General’s Drug Pricing Taskforce
MDH Cardiovascular Collaborative
MDH 2030 Cardiovascular and Diabetes Work Group
Ramsey County’s Mental Health and Wellness Action Team (MHWAT)
DHS COVID taskforce member with the African American Child Wellness Institute
MN Nurses Association Diversity Taskforce
MNA Government Affairs Commission (GAC)
National Black Nurse Practitioner Association
Holistic Nurses Association
Hennepin County Juvenile Diversion Alternatives Steering Committee
Previous member of Hennepin County Biomedical Ethics Committee